
Veganuary at Christopher Place

Are you taking part in Veganuary this year? Or always on the look out for new and exciting options?! Check out some of the options available in our restaurants!

Honest Burgers –

  •  Teriyaki special – with our Beyond Meat patty and Applewood Vegan cheese
  • Plant and Bacon plant – all served with rosemary chips!

Leafy –

  • Check out ‘a bit of Oumph’ for a tasty lunch option!

The Pudding Stop –

  • Vegan sticky ginger pud – Can’t go wrong?!

Wagamama –

  • Their famous Kare Lomen is back but this time VEGAN

Zizzi –

  • The meatless ‘meatballs’ calzone!


honest burger teriyaki - vegan
honest burgers plant vegan
oh my oumph vegan
pudding stop stikcy ginger vegan
wagamam vegan chick
zizzi meatless vegan
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